How many of you have ever doubted the power of prayer?
I, myself, was one of them. I remember praying VERY hard for a boyfriend. I didn't ask for anything else, just a boyfriend. No boyfriend appeared and I was about to give up hope until June 23 of this year. God did bring me a boyfriend, but it was NOT what I expected! We dated for about 3 months; Memorial Day thru Labor Day. (I nick-named him "my summer dud".)
That lesson taught me to be more specific when I pray. I continue to pray for a job. I have been praying: "God, give me a job that is in your path for my life".
It beneficial for both... I'm giving God control over my life and, at the same time, I'm letting God know that I need a job.
Thanks to all of my family and friends who have been praying for me, I have secured two interviews for the week of November 2. God is good!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
You CAN be strong!
Right now I'm reading 2 Timothy, in the New Testament. One line, in particular, spoke to me. I'm going thru a trial right now and this one line really spoke to my heart. This one line speaks to everyone going thru a trial and gives us hope.
"For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead the Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control". (2 Timothy 1:7)
If we look inside ourselves, the Holy Spirit is there to comfort us. All we need to do is tap into that power. How do we do that? By praying; simple as that. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give us the courage to endure whatever trial we're facing.
It is a guarantee that God will answer our prayer. It may not be what we expect, but God knows what's best for us. He is ultimately the one who is in control of our lives, not us.
"For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead the Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control". (2 Timothy 1:7)
If we look inside ourselves, the Holy Spirit is there to comfort us. All we need to do is tap into that power. How do we do that? By praying; simple as that. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give us the courage to endure whatever trial we're facing.
It is a guarantee that God will answer our prayer. It may not be what we expect, but God knows what's best for us. He is ultimately the one who is in control of our lives, not us.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Grumpiness is not an option!
This blog is based on the great movie "Where the Wild Things Are".
The main character in the movie, Max, meets these strange creatures. Critics who saw the movie argued over what the creatures symbolized.
I saw the strong connection between the creatures and many Americans today.
The creatures never smile and their voices are filled with sadness. We all have struggles in our life; death, war, and the economy to name a few. How we deal with those issues determines our satisfaction out of life.
"How do I get satisfaction out of life if all of these bad things are happening?" It's simple: gratitude. Be grateful for what you have, not for what you don't. Are you healthy? If so, be grateful. Are you employed? Be grateful you have a job in this troubling economy. If you are unemployed, are you actively seeking work? Be grateful there are jobs out there you can apply to. Another key is to be grateful for the little things in life. Is it raining where you are? Be grateful that the flowers will be able to bloom. Is it snowing?
Be grateful that you will get exercise by shoveling!
You may not be able to fix your situation immediately, but I can guarantee you will feel better.
The main character in the movie, Max, meets these strange creatures. Critics who saw the movie argued over what the creatures symbolized.
I saw the strong connection between the creatures and many Americans today.
The creatures never smile and their voices are filled with sadness. We all have struggles in our life; death, war, and the economy to name a few. How we deal with those issues determines our satisfaction out of life.
"How do I get satisfaction out of life if all of these bad things are happening?" It's simple: gratitude. Be grateful for what you have, not for what you don't. Are you healthy? If so, be grateful. Are you employed? Be grateful you have a job in this troubling economy. If you are unemployed, are you actively seeking work? Be grateful there are jobs out there you can apply to. Another key is to be grateful for the little things in life. Is it raining where you are? Be grateful that the flowers will be able to bloom. Is it snowing?
Be grateful that you will get exercise by shoveling!
You may not be able to fix your situation immediately, but I can guarantee you will feel better.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friends are such a blessing!
Today I had lunch with my best friend and she is the inspiration behind this blog.
When is the last time you hugged or thanked your friends? Friendship needs to be cared for and nurtured, just like a romantic relationship. You must protect and nurture your friendships.
True friends will be there for you thru both the good and tough times. You can spot a "bad" friend easily; they will not hesitate to turn on you the minute something bad happens to you. Friends are a true blessing from God. I think he realized we needed "outsiders" to care about us. (Outsiders as in "outside our family".) God puts strong emphasis on friends.
We need friends to help us thru troubled times...
"In trouble like this, I need loyal friends--- whether I've forsaken God or not". (Job 6:14)
and during the good times...
"Friends always show their love." (Proverbs 17:17)
The Bible also stresses the importance of choosing good friends ...
"Keep company with the wise and you will be wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will become stupid." (Proverbs 13:20)
--- The verse means to choose a friend who's knowledgable in God's teachings, so you can please God by the way you live your life.
Friends are one of the many ways God blesses his people. Pray for your friends, that they will a blessing for both of you.
Until next time, never take your friends for granted.
When is the last time you hugged or thanked your friends? Friendship needs to be cared for and nurtured, just like a romantic relationship. You must protect and nurture your friendships.
True friends will be there for you thru both the good and tough times. You can spot a "bad" friend easily; they will not hesitate to turn on you the minute something bad happens to you. Friends are a true blessing from God. I think he realized we needed "outsiders" to care about us. (Outsiders as in "outside our family".) God puts strong emphasis on friends.
We need friends to help us thru troubled times...
"In trouble like this, I need loyal friends--- whether I've forsaken God or not". (Job 6:14)
and during the good times...
"Friends always show their love." (Proverbs 17:17)
The Bible also stresses the importance of choosing good friends ...
"Keep company with the wise and you will be wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will become stupid." (Proverbs 13:20)
--- The verse means to choose a friend who's knowledgable in God's teachings, so you can please God by the way you live your life.
Friends are one of the many ways God blesses his people. Pray for your friends, that they will a blessing for both of you.
Until next time, never take your friends for granted.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Waiting is hard to do!!
Waiting is VERY hard for most of us, myself included. Many people want things not later, now. Waiting is very important in life. It helps build character and we begin to appreciate things more. Sometimes we take things for granted, when it's been with us for awhile. Waiting makes us feel uncomfortable. Why? Because it makes us realize we are not in control. What happens after we wait, we have no control over. How many of us dislike not being in control!!
Here's an example of what I mean, from my life. I have been unemployed now for 3 months. I am appreciating the things I could not do when I worked, such as creative writing. I'm also discovering new things about myself I did not know before. I am now making jewelry; necklaces, bracelets, earrings, bookmarks. Being unemployed has also made me realize it's not in my control; I was not the one who caused my unemployment. From this unemployment, I'm growing closer to God.
I take one hour every morning to read the Bible. By starting my day this way, I feel more at peace throughout the day.
Whenever you feel uncomfortable about waiting, turn to God and you will feel better; that's a guarantee!
Here's an example of what I mean, from my life. I have been unemployed now for 3 months. I am appreciating the things I could not do when I worked, such as creative writing. I'm also discovering new things about myself I did not know before. I am now making jewelry; necklaces, bracelets, earrings, bookmarks. Being unemployed has also made me realize it's not in my control; I was not the one who caused my unemployment. From this unemployment, I'm growing closer to God.
I take one hour every morning to read the Bible. By starting my day this way, I feel more at peace throughout the day.
Whenever you feel uncomfortable about waiting, turn to God and you will feel better; that's a guarantee!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Negative thoughts
Hi all. Today's blog will discuss a trial I am currently going thru.
I heard on the news the other day, that 10% of Americans are unemployed. That number shocked me! Unfortunately, I am one of the 10%.
I have been looking for a job for about 3 1/2 months. Now that may not seem like a long time, but think of it this way... I worked at the same company for 5 years! One of my personality traits is that I'm optimistic. However, this job loss is challenging me! The devil has been tempting me lately, to become sad and depressed.
There is some truth to negative thoughts. Here me out... I believe being negative is ok, in moderation. Everyone has a right to complain. Whether you vent your frustrations to other people or write about them in a journal, it helps you identify them. Once you identify your thoughts, you can take them to God. God will listen to your frustrations and you will be free from your negative thoughts.
What do YOU think?
I heard on the news the other day, that 10% of Americans are unemployed. That number shocked me! Unfortunately, I am one of the 10%.
I have been looking for a job for about 3 1/2 months. Now that may not seem like a long time, but think of it this way... I worked at the same company for 5 years! One of my personality traits is that I'm optimistic. However, this job loss is challenging me! The devil has been tempting me lately, to become sad and depressed.
There is some truth to negative thoughts. Here me out... I believe being negative is ok, in moderation. Everyone has a right to complain. Whether you vent your frustrations to other people or write about them in a journal, it helps you identify them. Once you identify your thoughts, you can take them to God. God will listen to your frustrations and you will be free from your negative thoughts.
What do YOU think?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It's NOT all about me!
Hi all. Today concluded my reading of Romans.
One passage jumped out at me because it relates so much to today's society.
"We do not live for ourselves only & we do not die for ourselves only. If we live, it is for the Lord that we live, & if we die, it is for the Lord that we die. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord". (Romans 14:7-8)
When you turn on your TV, most likely you will see a commercial. Watch that commercial. Do you see the main character helping others OR do you see a person talking about how that product will help you? More likely than not, it will be about helping you. You need to take care of yourself, yes, for health reasons. But it is wrong when you never think about what others are going thru; you only think about yourself.
In the above passage from Romans, God is saying to lean on Him. Make Him your #1 priority. Live for God, not yourselves. Do good things for others, and yourselves last. I understand this is not easy, especially in today's society. But think of the rewards if we do this one thing!
What do YOU think?
One passage jumped out at me because it relates so much to today's society.
"We do not live for ourselves only & we do not die for ourselves only. If we live, it is for the Lord that we live, & if we die, it is for the Lord that we die. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord". (Romans 14:7-8)
When you turn on your TV, most likely you will see a commercial. Watch that commercial. Do you see the main character helping others OR do you see a person talking about how that product will help you? More likely than not, it will be about helping you. You need to take care of yourself, yes, for health reasons. But it is wrong when you never think about what others are going thru; you only think about yourself.
In the above passage from Romans, God is saying to lean on Him. Make Him your #1 priority. Live for God, not yourselves. Do good things for others, and yourselves last. I understand this is not easy, especially in today's society. But think of the rewards if we do this one thing!
What do YOU think?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Welcome one and all!

Hi everyone. Thanks for joining me on my journey! This blog will take you, day-by-day, into my journey with God.
I will blog about my joys and struggles along the way of following God. Because life is a journey with no end, this blog will also not have an end.
Today's blog will be about the Bible.
I have been a Catholic all my life. My parents baptized me into the Catholic faith when I was just an infant. My Catholic faith journey has been challenging at times, especially during the teenage years! I went to church and always followed the ten commandements. I always thought that following the commandments, alone, was going to make me go to heaven.
Today is when I discovered "the rules" are NOT how you live your life! What a shock that was to my system! Right now, I am in the middle of reading Romans. Romans 7:6 specifically spoke to me: "Now, then, we are free from the Law because we died to that which once held us as prisoners. No longer do we serve in the old way of the written law, but in the new way of the Spirit". We are to live as the Holy Sprit tells us. I must listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to me, on a daily basis. I am to live exactly as the Holy Spirit tells me to live. The commandments were given to show us where we sin.
What are YOUR thoughts?
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