Hi everyone. Thanks for joining me on my journey! This blog will take you, day-by-day, into my journey with God.
I will blog about my joys and struggles along the way of following God. Because life is a journey with no end, this blog will also not have an end.
Today's blog will be about the Bible.
I have been a Catholic all my life. My parents baptized me into the Catholic faith when I was just an infant. My Catholic faith journey has been challenging at times, especially during the teenage years! I went to church and always followed the ten commandements. I always thought that following the commandments, alone, was going to make me go to heaven.
Today is when I discovered "the rules" are NOT how you live your life! What a shock that was to my system! Right now, I am in the middle of reading Romans. Romans 7:6 specifically spoke to me: "Now, then, we are free from the Law because we died to that which once held us as prisoners. No longer do we serve in the old way of the written law, but in the new way of the Spirit". We are to live as the Holy Sprit tells us. I must listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to me, on a daily basis. I am to live exactly as the Holy Spirit tells me to live. The commandments were given to show us where we sin.
What are YOUR thoughts?
Oh Christine--much to learn you have. :) You are correct though--follow the Spirit and let Him guide you through the journey you're on. I have my own views of denominational practices, and while I don't condone them, I do disagree with them. I've traveled a journey similar to yours--wondering many things, and it's taken me to a new understanding of Christ that I believe is more accurate than the teachings and doctrines I was also razed with. Keep the commandments by your side, however it is not by works that we achieve the glories of Heaven (don't have the scriptual quote off hand). Be blessed in your journey and appeal to the Love of God to help guide your inquiries. Feel free to follow my blog life as well.