Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Knowledge is power!!

Right now, I am listening to a very interesting podcast. One of my friends practices a different religion from me. I am learning a lot from her podcast.
Even though it is a religion different from mine, I am learning a lot.

I am seeing many similarities between the two religions. I think people need to expand their knowledge. Knowledge in religion and in life. It expands your knowledge into other people's lives. I'm going to repeat myself, but I feel it's very important... Knowledge is power. Knowledge expands your knowledge of the world. You see how others see the world. You don't have to agree with them, or go with their views. Just knowing where they came from is important. And when you learn new things, you MAY see some similarities.

The topic I'm listening to is my friend telling her family & friends her religion.
Her experiences are interesting!

Until next time, expand your knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Christine--you are right--knowledge is power--but with power, comes responsibility. Responsibility to use that knowledge to further His kingdom. I'm not an avid "religion" supporter, but I am a child of Christ. I am currently taking a class on Spiritual Warfare learning about the devil's tactics and deceptions. No--I'm not a devil worshipper, but--to understand my enemy, I have to learn about him: Knowledge is power. Learning about other beliefs is important in the walk of a Christian because we need to know what we are up against when spreading His word to those that don't follow Him. Knowledge is Power--but be responsible to it as well--it is just knowledge, and your true identity is IN CHRIST and through Him, you will understand His wisdom to discern TRUTH from the lies. Bless you!
